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3.8.4 Copying a section of text

NOTE: The term current file is used below to mean the file in the active text editor window (or in other words the file you are currently editing).

Sometimes you will want to copy a section of text (i.e. create a duplicate of the text and store that duplicate in a file or in another application). The Irie Pascal Integrated Development Environment (the IDE) allows you to copy sections of text. The first step in copying a section of text is to select the section of text you want to copy (see selecting text for more information). The next step is to copy the selected text (i.e. copy the text into the Windows clipboard). The next step is to paste the text where you want to put it (i.e. copy the text from the Windows clipboard to the place you want to put it). A copy of the text remains in the Windows clipboard even after you paste it. NOTE: Remember to unselect the section of text (See unselecting text for more information) when you are done.

Copying Text

You can copy text by using the the keyboard or by using the Edit menu. To copy text using the keyboard, press Ctrl-C, or Ctrl-Insert (i.e. hold down the Ctrl key and press X, or hold down the Ctrl key and press Insert). You can also copy text by choosing Copy from the Edit menu. No matter what method you prefer the result is the same, any selected text in the current file is copied and stored in the Windows clipboard. If no text has been selected, in the current file, then attempting to copy text has no effect. NOTE: Many Windows applications can retrieve text from the Windows clipbaord so you can use this method to copy text into another application.

Pasting Text

You can paste text by using the the keyboard or by using the Edit menu. To paste text using the keyboard, press Ctrl-V, or Shift-Insert (i.e. hold down the Ctrl key and press the V key, or hold down the Shift key and press the Insert key). You can also paste text by choosing Paste from the Edit menu. No matter what method you prefer the result is the same, any text in the Windows clipboard is copied into the current file. If there is selected text in the current file then the text from the clipboard will replace the selected text in the file. If there is no selected text in the current file then the text from the clipboard will be inserted into the current file at the text caret position. If there is no text in the clipboard then attempting to paste text has no effect. NOTE: Many Windows applications allow you to put text into the Windows clipbaord so you can use this method to retrieve text from another application.

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