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4.2.42 platform_win32


platform_win32 can be compared with the value returned by the built-in function platform to determine whether the current platform is 32 bit Windows (i.e. your program is a Windows .EXE executable, or your program is a .IVM executable running under the interpreter from the Windows edition of Irie Pascal).


The following simple program displays the current platform.

   program ShowPlatform(output);
      case platform of
      platform_dos: writeln('DOS');
      platform_os2: writeln('OS/2');
      platform_win32: writeln('Windows');
      platform_linux: writeln('Linux');
      platform_fbsd: writeln('FreeBSD');
      platform_solaris: writeln('Solaris/x86');
      platform_solaris_sparc: writeln('Solaris/Sparc');
      platform_error: writeln('Unknown Platform');


Operating Systems: All
Standard Pascal: No

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